I recently completed an intensive leadership development program through Primex3. The Emerging Leaders Program is a dynamic 7-month professional development opportunity to develop the competencies needed to grow in leadership effectiveness. I was nominated and endorsed by my supervisor and then selected along with 15 other individuals with high leadership potential from the Primex3 membership. We participated in a competency-building curriculum including workshops, blogs, self-directed learning, simulations and assessments including an assessment which provides perspectives on our behavioral style, personal motivators, and emotional intelligence. Each “Emerging Leader” also completed a 360 assessment which measures an individual’s ability in 16 key competency areas. These 16 differentiating competencies are statistically derived and proven to set apart the best leaders from their counterparts.
As part of the required curriculum, I worked with my mentor to identify, manage, and implement a project that would positively benefit the Town of Goffstown. The project I chose was to collaborate with local schools to improve the Town-wide recycling rate, which has been declining over the last few years. I quickly gained support for this project from the SAU superintendent and then presented to the SAU administration in late summer about the benefits of recycling and how to make it more fun, convenient and second nature for students. At Mountain View Middle School, I spoke to 800 students providing information on what is recyclable in the single stream barrels and hoped to inspire and motivate them to make recycling fun in their schools and to share the info they learned with their families. I am actively working with the Maple Ave Elementary School and the Northeast Resource Recovery Association to bring a hands-on learning event called “Trash on the Lawn Day” to young students and will also help facilitate a STAR Assessment of recycling efforts at the school. Work on this project will continue into the coming months as I focus more efforts on public education and outreach efforts with recycling as well.
Results of my project were delivered in a presentation to fellow Emerging Leaders Program participants, their mentors and the instructors. The presentation included information on identifying the project need, evaluation of the implementation process, deliverables and future actions. The Emerging Leaders Class is a wonderful opportunity to focus on yourself both personally and professionally to develop your strengths as a leader. The assessments and classes we participated in throughout the course were phenomenal and definitely pushed us to grow professionally. Much of what you learn in classes can be implemented immediately. The program also provides you the tools to continuously work on a long term development plan as well. I would recommend this class to any professional who is interested in self-development and willing to put the time and effort in. Thank you to PRIMEX for not only creating such a fantastic interactive program but for having such supportive staff and instructors who truly epitomize leadership and were excited to share their knowledge and experiences with us.
Meghan Theriault, P.E. (Town Engineer - Town of Goffstown)
Contact Elaine St. Jean, Education & Training Program Coordinator at NH Public Risk Management Exchange (Primex3) for more information at estjean@nhprimex.org.
As part of the required curriculum, I worked with my mentor to identify, manage, and implement a project that would positively benefit the Town of Goffstown. The project I chose was to collaborate with local schools to improve the Town-wide recycling rate, which has been declining over the last few years. I quickly gained support for this project from the SAU superintendent and then presented to the SAU administration in late summer about the benefits of recycling and how to make it more fun, convenient and second nature for students. At Mountain View Middle School, I spoke to 800 students providing information on what is recyclable in the single stream barrels and hoped to inspire and motivate them to make recycling fun in their schools and to share the info they learned with their families. I am actively working with the Maple Ave Elementary School and the Northeast Resource Recovery Association to bring a hands-on learning event called “Trash on the Lawn Day” to young students and will also help facilitate a STAR Assessment of recycling efforts at the school. Work on this project will continue into the coming months as I focus more efforts on public education and outreach efforts with recycling as well.
Results of my project were delivered in a presentation to fellow Emerging Leaders Program participants, their mentors and the instructors. The presentation included information on identifying the project need, evaluation of the implementation process, deliverables and future actions. The Emerging Leaders Class is a wonderful opportunity to focus on yourself both personally and professionally to develop your strengths as a leader. The assessments and classes we participated in throughout the course were phenomenal and definitely pushed us to grow professionally. Much of what you learn in classes can be implemented immediately. The program also provides you the tools to continuously work on a long term development plan as well. I would recommend this class to any professional who is interested in self-development and willing to put the time and effort in. Thank you to PRIMEX for not only creating such a fantastic interactive program but for having such supportive staff and instructors who truly epitomize leadership and were excited to share their knowledge and experiences with us.
Meghan Theriault, P.E. (Town Engineer - Town of Goffstown)
Contact Elaine St. Jean, Education & Training Program Coordinator at NH Public Risk Management Exchange (Primex3) for more information at estjean@nhprimex.org.